In the beginning…

I am writing this the night before Scott and I will record our first podcast. This has been an exciting journey so far, but I must be honest when I say this is outside of our comfort zones. Neither of us has ever done anything like this before but we both feel like it is particularly important. We have both been chasing after a relationship with God and it can sometimes be very overwhelming (in a good way). God is love and love needs to be shared. We do not want to just keep the love we have experienced between the two of us. We want to give it to the world. So, with prayer and faith we are stepping into this project wholehearted.

For several years now Scott and I have met for Bible study, prayer, and worship. We started to call it our Sabbath. It always amazes me how after a Sabbath I would feel strong and joyful. Over the years I have seen more and more of God’s love in my life and it shakes me to my core when I see how far I have come. Not because of any great thing I have done but because God truly is walking with me. It still excites me knowing that the Architect of creation, the Almighty, the Everlasting Father, the Holy One of Israel, the I AM THAT I AM, the Savior, The Alpha and the Omega, The LORD, Yahweh wants to have a personal relationship with a nobody like me. God is awesome and I hope that through this project we might be able to inspire others to seek out their own personal relationship with God.

I hope “Not About Us” podcast and studies will bring honor to God. I pray it will be blessed and that God will use it for His purposes. When we say this is not about us, we pray that will be true. The idea and the hope we have will be for God to author the studies and we will just be a mic for Him to use.

We have the support of loving family members and I have to say thank you to them. Thank You to our friends and our family who have offered ideas, helped with the website, or have just given us encouragement. I pray God’s blessings on all of you. Thank you for your love, prayers and blessings.

I also want to pray blessings and love for anyone who comes this site. To anyone that gives this podcast a chance. I cannot express how much we appreciate you. I hope you listen to the Spirit through us and ignore anything that we may say that is not from the Spirit. I pray you see truth and join in on our excitement as we study together. I pray you want to chase after the truth and seek your own personal relationship with God. I pray blessings, peace, and God’s love into your life. Thank you so much for being here!

And remember this is “Not About Us”!


Tulip Time Festival